Thursday, October 4, 2012

week #7

Based upon the feedback that I received from my first audio tape and after listening to it myself, I think that I’m where I thought I was in relation to developing my counseling skills. I realize that I’m still a novice in many of the aspects of counseling. When I did the first audio recording, I knew then and I still think that I have a long road of development in front of me. My site supervisor has years of experience from working in the school system as a teacher and as a school counselor. I admire her patience and her demeanor with the students during the guidance lessons and during other counseling activities.          

There are several areas that I would like to improve upon. For instance, I would like to continue to improve upon my classroom management skills. Another area that I would like to work on is my individual interaction skills with the students. Even though I have already given a few guidance lessons, I still want to work on the task of creating and carrying out the appropriate lessons for the children. Leading group counseling sessions is another facet that I hope to enhance upon during the time in which I will be working on my practicum hours at the high school level. Becoming more comfortable with working with students during individual and group sessions is another goal of mine.   

I think that a majority of my improvements will foster from the practicum site experiences at the schools, and from the feedback that I will receive from: my classmates, site supervisors, and my professor. In addition, today my site supervisor suggested that I do some research on managing the behavior of a classroom full of students, since I do have the background of a teacher. Lately, I have been getting nervous and slightly intimidated whenever I’m planning and conducting a guidance lesson.    

I think that I will know that I have improved my counseling skills when I’m not second guessing myself as much as I do now. In addition, once I do become more secure with working with the children, then I will know that my counseling skills have greatly improved. I also believe that by discussing and gaining feedback from others about various situations and how to better address them will really assist me in reaching my goals.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds, Ella, like you are making great headway in your pursuit of a counseling career. One of the most difficult things to work on when you are not currently teaching in the school where you complete your practicum, is to garner the attention of your students. At the elementary level where one must teach guidance lessons to hundreds of youngsters, there are alot of kids to manage. Completing practicum is alot like substitute teaching. The kids have to get to know you and, with time, they will eagerly look forward to your weekly visits. As the old saying goes, "Practice makes perfect". With practice, we all are working towards the goal of being the best counselor we can be for the students we serve.
