Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Five Goals.

By the end of this semester, I would like to accomplish the following five goals:

-Build my confidence in my ability as a school counselor. I tend to second guess what I’m going to say to a student, because I’m worried about how he or she would react to it. I’m hoping that the feedback that I will receive from my professor and my classmates from their tape reviews will relieve some of my nervousness.

-Being able to build a rapport with the students is another goal of mine. I want to be able to be able to develop a strong connection with the students, so that they will feel comfortable with talking to me.

-Know how to find and gather the appropriate resources that the children may need in order to better assist them.  

-Being able to plan and carry out age appropriate guidance lessons for the classrooms that are both useful and entertaining for the children.

-I also want to become more comfortable with the variety of duties that a school counselor has in the school system. The administrative role is one of these responsibilities, in which I hope that I will become more confident with over time.

Overall, I think that the feedback from the audio tapes would help me gain more confidence in my abilities as a school counselor. By researching some of the available resources myself, I think that I will gain a better understanding in order to pass on the necessary resources that children may need now or in the future.

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